
My boss tried to bully me into giving notice.

Hey guys, So I have been at my current job since January 2020. Let me start off by saying that I have been the model employee and supervisor. My employee retention rate is exceptional ( I treat my people how I wish my bosses had treated me coming up) I have received multiple awards and have never been written up or even “Talked to”. And I make myself available to them 24/7. Now when I took this job, i negotiated that i would be able to take my kids to school in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon and finish my day remotely for the last hour. Now I am a regional supervisor so this wasn't an issue as most of my job was on the road between offices across the city, and they accepted this because I did not try to negotiate a pay increase and…

Hey guys,
So I have been at my current job since January 2020. Let me start off by saying that I have been the model employee and supervisor. My employee retention rate is exceptional ( I treat my people how I wish my bosses had treated me coming up) I have received multiple awards and have never been written up or even “Talked to”. And I make myself available to them 24/7. Now when I took this job, i negotiated that i would be able to take my kids to school in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon and finish my day remotely for the last hour. Now I am a regional supervisor so this wasn't an issue as most of my job was on the road between offices across the city, and they accepted this because I did not try to negotiate a pay increase and took the lower rate they offered.
Fast forward to about a month ago. The owner calls me and tells me he was aware of my agreement and that I was to be in office from 8:30 to 5:00 and take a 30 minute lunch. I responded “no I'm sorry that is not what I agreed to and I can't do it. He replies that ok we will meet about this later. About 2 weeks go by and they call me into the office 30 minutes before I was supposed to leave to pick up my kids. Once again it was demanded that I'm in office 8:30 to 5:00 with a 30 minute lunch. Once again I said I can't do that and was told I had 2 week to make it happen or I better start applying to new jobs. I informed them that I was not concerned as I had already been interviewed by multiple companies and that I was considering leaving my current industry to pursue project management. Fast forward to this week. I was pulled into my Supervisors office and told that I needed to either commit to them or give my 2 week notice by Friday. Now at this ppint im just waiting for a couple final interviews that are scheduled.
I told them that if and when I decide that it is time for me to move on. At that time I will give my notice and not a day sooner.
My supervisor looked at me and said ” oh you are trying to get fired huh?”
To which I responded ” no, but i have a family to worry about and i will not be bullied into putting them in any possible bad situation.
That's the last I've heard since , I'm not really concerned about getting fired as I could get unemployment in the meantime and they would honestly be up shits creek without me.
Let just hope everything works out.

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