
My boss wants me to cover for 3 coworkers at the same time, didn’t offer extra pay, just my normal 1.5x for OT.

TLDR; working full time, have to cover 1 coworkers full daily activities already soon, boss asked me to add two more coworkers’ duties to that (around the same dates) and offered only some OT “if needed”, no other compensation. Hi all! I think this is my first time posting here. My job has a “backup policy”. I, myself, have databases to update all day, then for the first few weeks of each month have invoices to edit and return before a deadline. I am backup for one person currently, because they have a very important client and it takes up their entire 8 hour day. This coworker takes 1-2 vacations per year, so it’s not that often that I have to back them up. So each time I do, I’m pretty much relearning how to do their job. My boss emailed me today asking if I could be backup for…

TLDR; working full time, have to cover 1 coworkers full daily activities already soon, boss asked me to add two more coworkers’ duties to that (around the same dates) and offered only some OT “if needed”, no other compensation.

Hi all! I think this is my first time posting here. My job has a “backup policy”. I, myself, have databases to update all day, then for the first few weeks of each month have invoices to edit and return before a deadline. I am backup for one person currently, because they have a very important client and it takes up their entire 8 hour day. This coworker takes 1-2 vacations per year, so it’s not that often that I have to back them up. So each time I do, I’m pretty much relearning how to do their job.

My boss emailed me today asking if I could be backup for two other coworkers, just one of their job duties each, but that’s still a lot on my plate. I have to be backup for the first coworker, not this coming week, but the week after (Oct. 16th-20th). For the entire week and one day of the week after that (23rd). Coworker 2 will be out a total of 4 days from next week and the week after (12, 13, 16 & 17 of oct.). Then coworker 3 will be out the same week as coworker 1, plus another week right after that (10/18-11/1).

I’m secretly freaking out because I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do it, I told him if I really had to, I would cover for coworker 2 & 3, but if he could find someone else to cover for 3, then that would help me out a lot. Our department is very small, like 4 people. Coworker 1 isn’t even considered part of my department I don’t think. Keep in mind, I’ve never done the things I would be doing for 2 & 3. So two extra databases, on top of my normal ones, plus coworker 1 that was scheduled months ago.

I made a (kind of) joke saying that I will need a raise after all this and he replied saying the time and a half that I will get for overtime is kind of like a raise. So I asked how much OT I am allowed to complete all of these duties, and he just said we’ll approve OT as we go.

I just got a raise, so now I make over $18.50 but I feel like that is just not enough compensation for the extra trainings/stress/time to complete all of the daily activities. I need some others’ opinions on this because I feel like management thinks I’m crazy.


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