
My boss wants me to quit, but refuses to fire me.

I need help and I'm going dizzy reading so many articles about being fired vs. quitting and all that goes into that. I've been working at my company for some time now, and in the past month things have shifted suddenly and I'm not sure why. There's less communication, less opportunities, more micromanaging, just in general it's become really intense and centered on me. I've listened to feedback, worked to improve, and at the end of it all I was told my schedule needed to permanently change with little notice. I currently work all morning shifts, and have for nearly 2 years. They told me out of the blue I needed to now have an evenings/nights schedule exclusively. I informed them I didn't believe this change was possible for me, and they said they'd get back to me. A week later, they said they made the changes to the schedule…

I need help and I'm going dizzy reading so many articles about being fired vs. quitting and all that goes into that.

I've been working at my company for some time now, and in the past month things have shifted suddenly and I'm not sure why. There's less communication, less opportunities, more micromanaging, just in general it's become really intense and centered on me. I've listened to feedback, worked to improve, and at the end of it all I was told my schedule needed to permanently change with little notice.

I currently work all morning shifts, and have for nearly 2 years. They told me out of the blue I needed to now have an evenings/nights schedule exclusively. I informed them I didn't believe this change was possible for me, and they said they'd get back to me. A week later, they said they made the changes to the schedule anyway.

I spoke with my boss about this, and was told I would be let go over a call if I could not do the new schedule. I was asked to stay through the end of the month to help them close the gap of losing me, so I agreed. However, after the call, my boss wrote a message to me insinuating I had given my 2 weeks notice, and I had chosen to leave at the end of the month. I tried to clarify that I did not want to quit and was under the impression I was being fired, and was asked to stay through the month. This continued back and forth for hours of them refusing to say they were firing me, but asking me if I was putting in my 2 weeks, if I was giving notice, all of these things to force me to just quit.

I'm very close to just quitting, but if I do, I'm very concerned I won't be eligible for unemployment, which I will rely on until I can get a new job. I'm already actively looking, but everything online says to not quit or else I won't be eligible. Somebody help with some advice?

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