
My boss wants me to work extra hours without pay.

Our country is going through all time high recession. There are very few jobs available in most sectors. So my boss is using this opportunity to force us to work on Sundays too without any pay. I am afraid I might be jobless for few months If I leave the job now. But if I sign up contract then I will have to do my current job for entire year even if market opens and opportunities come. In short I'll be bound by 1 year job contract with this shitty job. I am currently paying for my education so being unemployed is not the option for me. I hate this toxic job from the bottom of my hear. Thanks for reading. I came here to rant.

Our country is going through all time high recession. There are very few jobs available in most sectors. So my boss is using this opportunity to force us to work on Sundays too without any pay. I am afraid I might be jobless for few months If I leave the job now. But if I sign up contract then I will have to do my current job for entire year even if market opens and opportunities come. In short I'll be bound by 1 year job contract with this shitty job.
I am currently paying for my education so being unemployed is not the option for me.
I hate this toxic job from the bottom of my hear.

Thanks for reading. I came here to rant.

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