
My bosses lied to my face and strung me along, making me do more work and giving me false hope.

I'm so fucking done. ​ My particular position can be done literally anywhere in the world, but I'm forced to come into the office every day driving an hour for no reason. They claim it's for “communication” because they want people to be able to walk to someone's office to talk, but most of the time they're not even in the office and my job is almost entirely self-sufficient and I rarely need to collaborate with anyone. ​ I came into this position knowing WFH wasn't on the table, but I had hoped my work ethic and quality would get them to change their minds and I was told MULTIPLE TIMES that they would be open to talking about it. I've absolutely killed every project they've given me, gotten high praise from the CEO saying how amazed he is with my work, yet get nothing in return. I used to…

I'm so fucking done.

My particular position can be done literally anywhere in the world, but I'm forced to come into the office every day driving an hour for no reason. They claim it's for “communication” because they want people to be able to walk to someone's office to talk, but most of the time they're not even in the office and my job is almost entirely self-sufficient and I rarely need to collaborate with anyone.

I came into this position knowing WFH wasn't on the table, but I had hoped my work ethic and quality would get them to change their minds and I was told MULTIPLE TIMES that they would be open to talking about it. I've absolutely killed every project they've given me, gotten high praise from the CEO saying how amazed he is with my work, yet get nothing in return.

I used to be able to WFH occasionally with some exceptions, but recently an email went out saying nobody could WFH effective Sep 1. I spoke to the head of the company and he promised he would be open to a dialogue and for me to prepare a proposal. I spent 2 days intricately crafting a proposal saying exactly why I should be able to work from home with point-by-point reasons as to why. I sent this proposal in, he thanked me for it and promised to talk about it at the next director's meeting. I asked for 2 days a week WFH. That's it. Not even full time.

That meeting happened 2 days ago. After 2 days of silence, I approached my boss who told me they had decided to cut off all WFH, no exceptions, prior to even sending out the email, prior to the company head telling me they would consider it and to make a proposal, knowing full well the answer was already no.

This company, like all others, pretends to be all about “family”, and part of my proposal was me saying how I wanted to get a pet and working from home would allow me to connect with them. They clearly don't care. There's so many employees jumping ship and I'm about to join them.

I'm so done. Now I get to try and find a new job with the same pay in another industry because I can't do this shit again.

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