
My boss’s wife/Co-owner just made me cry at work for an hour while berating me for being “rude”

First post here, feels far too appropriate not to share. So the boss's wife “Nay” came in to train my coworker on something before she and “Jay” leave on vacation. I put in headphones so as not to deal with her and focus on my work, not their voices. After they finish up, she comes over to me and asks why I'm being rude for not acknowledging her and it devolved from there. In front of my coworker. Not going in to details since I've cried enough for one day. I've half a mind to just quit since it's taken 4 raises to get to $20 an hour, but at the same time the job is dumb easy, and I've got nothing as a back up, plus my husband and I can't make ends meet as it is. Just had to vent, thanks guys.

First post here, feels far too appropriate not to share. So the boss's wife “Nay” came in to train my coworker on something before she and “Jay” leave on vacation. I put in headphones so as not to deal with her and focus on my work, not their voices. After they finish up, she comes over to me and asks why I'm being rude for not acknowledging her and it devolved from there. In front of my coworker. Not going in to details since I've cried enough for one day. I've half a mind to just quit since it's taken 4 raises to get to $20 an hour, but at the same time the job is dumb easy, and I've got nothing as a back up, plus my husband and I can't make ends meet as it is. Just had to vent, thanks guys.

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