
My Brother Just Got Laid Off

My brother just got laid off today to his complete surprise and I’m beyond frustrated for him He recently got promoted, rave reviews from his boss and even was going back into the office to make face. He enjoyed his job and was in talks of getting a raise and another promotion as he was outperforming his peers. Even his boss was taken by surprise with the news. Goes to show you can do everything right and still lose. He was a name on a spreadsheet and got axed by some randoms across the country. Hes taking it well but I feel for him because he has his wedding coming up and this just throws a big wrench in his life plans. Sorry for the rant

My brother just got laid off today to his complete surprise and I’m beyond frustrated for him

He recently got promoted, rave reviews from his boss and even was going back into the office to make face. He enjoyed his job and was in talks of getting a raise and another promotion as he was outperforming his peers.

Even his boss was taken by surprise with the news. Goes to show you can do everything right and still lose. He was a name on a spreadsheet and got axed by some randoms across the country. Hes taking it well but I feel for him because he has his wedding coming up and this just throws a big wrench in his life plans.

Sorry for the rant

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