
My brothers boss is charging him for insurance on the company car

He works for a company that picks up dog shit from residential properties. He ran his car into the ground working for them. And they gave him a rental until they could get a company car, or he got his fixed. But now they’re trying to charge him $210 a month for insurance on it. It doesn’t seem legal to me. But my brother and the rest of my family seem to think it’s perfectly fine. Do you guys know anything about this? And what should I tell him?

He works for a company that picks up dog shit from residential properties. He ran his car into the ground working for them. And they gave him a rental until they could get a company car, or he got his fixed. But now they’re trying to charge him $210 a month for insurance on it. It doesn’t seem legal to me. But my brother and the rest of my family seem to think it’s perfectly fine. Do you guys know anything about this? And what should I tell him?

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