
My brother’s boss is making his life a living hell for no reason

Ok so I stumbled upon this sub a few weeks ago and after hearing about the treatment my brother gets at work i first thought of posting something about it here, maybe to see if there's something that can be done about it. My brother (26M) is working as a waiter at an Italian restaurant in Portugal, he got a degree in med school but quit after a traumatic event, he came back to live with his parents and me for the past year and recently he found this job. Already the first day he got shit on by his boss for making a beginner mistake and had to work overtime, this went on every day. Everyday he worked overtime without extra pay. Somedays he wouldnt even have time to eat lunch and would starve for the rest of his shift. The worse part about this job is his arrogant…

Ok so I stumbled upon this sub a few weeks ago and after hearing about the treatment my brother gets at work i first thought of posting something about it here, maybe to see if there's something that can be done about it.

My brother (26M) is working as a waiter at an Italian restaurant in Portugal, he got a degree in med school but quit after a traumatic event, he came back to live with his parents and me for the past year and recently he found this job.

Already the first day he got shit on by his boss for making a beginner mistake and had to work overtime, this went on every day. Everyday he worked overtime without extra pay.

Somedays he wouldnt even have time to eat lunch and would starve for the rest of his shift.

The worse part about this job is his arrogant boss, surprisingly not the clients, but the woman who was supposed to guide him through his first job. She said that employees should not have a day off and that all the tips should go to her.

I don't know all the details about everything that happens but i can see that it affects him pretty badly, I want to know if there's something that can be done because it simply doesnt feel fair or even legal. Advice?

Edit: forgot to mention but today he had a car accident on his way to work (thankfully he only got a minor concussion) and called his boss to let her know, she didnt even ask how he was and that he better bring a sick note tomorrow.

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