
My co worker made a threat and nothing has been done *rant*

I work at a methadone clinic. I work with a population that can be particularly volatile and violent at the drop of a hat. However, I work with someone that is just as unhinged as some of our patients. She is a gun enthusiast but is also severely mentally ill and an alcoholic. Those don't pair very well. She also got a DUI in July (got her license revoked obviously), crashed her car in October (got a summons for driving after revocation) and last Friday got pulled over by 4 cops and got another summons for driving after revocation (she was driving a rental car, she's not the brightest). In my state, I guess a summons is an arrest. Less work for the cops but keeps idiots out in the public. She's has it out for several of my coworkers and I and we have no idea why. We just…

I work at a methadone clinic. I work with a population that can be particularly volatile and violent at the drop of a hat. However, I work with someone that is just as unhinged as some of our patients. She is a gun enthusiast but is also severely mentally ill and an alcoholic. Those don't pair very well. She also got a DUI in July (got her license revoked obviously), crashed her car in October (got a summons for driving after revocation) and last Friday got pulled over by 4 cops and got another summons for driving after revocation (she was driving a rental car, she's not the brightest). In my state, I guess a summons is an arrest. Less work for the cops but keeps idiots out in the public.

She's has it out for several of my coworkers and I and we have no idea why. We just keep our distance from her. Last week my coworker (she hates him too) went down to the front office to fax some paperwork. This lady is literally everywhere but her office and clearly isn't working. She said FOR NO REASON “don't these people realize that I carry?” She's the type of person that wants to seem scary to people but in all reality she's a wimp.

At our clinic, we've had no program director and the regional director quit last Friday. So there's no leadership. Corporate sent out one of their drones and she met with us on Tuesday to make sure that the place hasn't fallen apart. During my meeting with this lady, I shared what my coworker said. Now there's an investigation with HR. Most of us expected her to get swiftly fired, but to our surprise she showed up to work for the rest of the week.

My coworker also posted a picture of an AR 15 on Facebook with the caption “MAMAS NEW TOY”. And to make matters worse, there was a shooting at the hospital down the road from the clinic.

I know that HR is to protect the company, but what the actual fuck?! We have complained about this psycho for MONTHS. The complaints range from her not doing her job, violating HIPAA by sending her patients boyfriend her information in exchange for helping her move, screaming at my co worker, and harassing all of us to drive her to and from work after her DUI, but THIS incident takes the cake. I can't believe how some companies wait till AFTER tragedy strikes in order for them to do something. Now I'm fucking terrified going back to work on Monday. I can't afford to quit and start over again with the grueling job search. This is so dystopian. Choosing money over your safety and well-being.

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