
my co workers are very sweet, nice people but…

my god they are lazy as fuck!  I feel bad for even typing this because I do get along with them very well as people.  We work in a doctor's office and I feel like I end up having to pick up the slack for the three people I work with.  The one has absolutely no sense of urgency and takes forever to get anything done.  The other is a complete airhead. She's been here over a year and still asks a million questions on how to get things done.  The one who is competent is having issues at home and disappears often throughout the day to make phone calls to her family.  Our boss works out of another office and is only here once a month.  I'm already looking for a new job. I'm tired of working my ass off. And I'm pretty sure they see I work my ass…

my god they are lazy as fuck! 

I feel bad for even typing this because I do get along with them very well as people. 

We work in a doctor's office and I feel like I end up having to pick up the slack for the three people I work with. 

The one has absolutely no sense of urgency and takes forever to get anything done. 

The other is a complete airhead. She's been here over a year and still asks a million questions on how to get things done. 

The one who is competent is having issues at home and disappears often throughout the day to make phone calls to her family. 

Our boss works out of another office and is only here once a month. 

I'm already looking for a new job. I'm tired of working my ass off. And I'm pretty sure they see I work my ass off and take advantage of me as a result.  

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