
My company ghosted me.

So I had some major changes in my life that resulted in me needing to relocate to another state. I wanted to see if getting a transfer with my current company would be a possibility, so I immediately got to work getting in contact with someone who could get this process done. I had one month until the move. I work at a retail auto parts store that specializes in commercial and unique parts. I started calling locations in the new town and eventually got into contact with their HR person. This person speaks with me and takes my information down. I then cannot get in touch with them for the next two weeks, as whenever I call I get a voice mail, it informs me they will be out of office for two weeks. They finally get back and I speak with them again and they take some more…

So I had some major changes in my life that resulted in me needing to relocate to another state. I wanted to see if getting a transfer with my current company would be a possibility, so I immediately got to work getting in contact with someone who could get this process done. I had one month until the move.
I work at a retail auto parts store that specializes in commercial and unique parts. I started calling locations in the new town and eventually got into contact with their HR person. This person speaks with me and takes my information down. I then cannot get in touch with them for the next two weeks, as whenever I call I get a voice mail, it informs me they will be out of office for two weeks.
They finally get back and I speak with them again and they take some more information down. Then I can't get ahold of them again for a week.
I start to worry at this point, so decide to try someone else. Using a company directory, I am able to get into contact with one of their colleagues, and they say they are aware of my situation and they will look into it and get back to me by the end of the day. They do not get back to me by the end of the day.
Eventually the move happens and I get to the new location. (This is a short amount of time, I traveled for a day.) I contact them and someone finally calls me back and tells me that I am going to need to meet with one of the DMs for an interview, when can I meet them? Tomorrow. So I drive across town to meet with this person, we interview and they're super stoked to be bringing me on, they got lots of work and need the help. Cool, great. Hands me their card, says call me if you haven't heard anything. I do not hear anything for the rest of the week.
I contact the first HR person but are responded to by the colleague, asking to fill out an application. Immediately fill out the application, submit, reply letting them know it is complete, immediate response thanking me for my quick response. (At some point around now I receive an email from my company thanking me for my service and asking me to fill out a survey) Then nothing.
The planned day to start work arrives, I still have not heard from anyone, so I attempt to contact them. I call the DMs cell phone number directly. No response. I call them again the next day, but the DM answers this time. I explain the situation, and they say they will get with them and call me back afterward. They do not call me back.

I've basically given up at this point.

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