
My company had me unknowingly train my replacement, but it backfired.

Almost 4 years ago, I started a new job at a construction company owned by my uncle. I was hired because I’m “good with computers” they say. They wanted me to run a computer operated a cnc machine. (I Build gaming computers as a hobby and I’m fluent in the art of googling) When I started, I was put in the shop, to learn other aspects of the company. Fabricating, polishing, stuff like that. After a few months I was moved and trained in another position, one that would be combined with my expected cnc position. I became very good at my job and in my opinion, someone who needed very little babysitting. Now me and my uncle never got along. I wasn’t the type of person to let you walk all over me. I voiced my opinions in situations I was experienced in, and often “debated” with my managers…

Almost 4 years ago, I started a new job at a construction company owned by my uncle. I was hired because I’m “good with computers” they say. They wanted me to run a computer operated a cnc machine. (I Build gaming computers as a hobby and I’m fluent in the art of googling) When I started, I was put in the shop, to learn other aspects of the company. Fabricating, polishing, stuff like that. After a few months I was moved and trained in another position, one that would be combined with my expected cnc position. I became very good at my job and in my opinion, someone who needed very little babysitting. Now me and my uncle never got along. I wasn’t the type of person to let you walk all over me. I voiced my opinions in situations I was experienced in, and often “debated” with my managers decisions. It was clear that I was not his favorite employee, but I was very good at my job, and often worked lots of over time to get shit done. Now this company has a very high turnover rate. In the 4 or so years since i started, I’ve seen a total of 4 different crews of 6 employees or more. Outside of management, I am the only “shop” employee left from my original crew.
A year or so later, I am the only guy capable of running this machine. I often worked 12 to 14 hour days and sometimes more to keep up with the schedule. I asked for help regularly and was told that they were “looking”. Whatever that meant. Finally, I was given a helper. He just walked up to me and said your boss wants you to train me on this machine. I said something to the effect of “cool, I don’t have time to train you so pay attention and do exactly what I say”. I was trained by the manufacturer but was only given a week of official training, and was thrown into the position and expected to finish so many jobs a day, so I really didn’t have time to give this kid a proper training, I barely had one myself. Learned from experience. After a few months, he was way behind in terms of where I would be when I first started. At one point he received training from the manufacturer as well, but it was much more in depth and I even leaned new things from this training. But at one point I went on vacation, I was gone for three days. It was his unofficial do it by yourself time. Before I left I made sure my machine was way ahead of schedule. To the point where it could not operate for two full days and still be ahead. When I came back, I was greeted with a dumpster fire of epic proportions. Things had moved and jobs were screwed up to the point where I ended up working over 45 hours in the next three days to get us back on schedule. After a few more months we became pretty good work friends. And he told me that my uncle, who is now his father in law told him that he was specifically hired to replace me. I trust this kid and know my uncle so it’s definitely true. Now, a year or so later he operates a very similar machine to mine, doing the same stuff. I regularly do double or more work in the same time frame as him. And for bonus points, my job was listed on indeed for a few months after after his training. And they have yet to find someone who can out pace me. I stay at this company simply to spite the owners. TLDR; My uncle has tried to replace me many times but I frequently prove I’m the best they’ve got.

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