
My company has an award named after the ceo that they give to the ceo every year

Let's say the ceo's last name was Holman, well his assistant came up with an award to be handed out annually named “the Holman award”, and every single year the firm made a big spectacle out of handing the ceo the award that was named after him and only ever going to go to him. It was so incredibly cringe to watch that it made me uncomfortable, and straight up made me nauseous when he got a standing ovation after getting the trophy every year. This guy makes more in a week than most employees make in a year. He's got 2 mansions, several vacation properties, and an exotic car collection. People at the firm already treat him like a God/ cult leader, but apparently that wasn't enough. No, he also needed an annual award named after him and given exclusively to him. He'd prominently display it in his office…

Let's say the ceo's last name was Holman, well his assistant came up with an award to be handed out annually named “the Holman award”, and every single year the firm made a big spectacle out of handing the ceo the award that was named after him and only ever going to go to him. It was so incredibly cringe to watch that it made me uncomfortable, and straight up made me nauseous when he got a standing ovation after getting the trophy every year.

This guy makes more in a week than most employees make in a year. He's got 2 mansions, several vacation properties, and an exotic car collection. People at the firm already treat him like a God/ cult leader, but apparently that wasn't enough. No, he also needed an annual award named after him and given exclusively to him. He'd prominently display it in his office as if he didn't literally pay for its creation and the ceremony where he'd get it.

He's also the kind of guy to randomly go off on a “participation trophy” rant. The lack of self awareness is astounding.

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