
My company has fired half of our off-hours team in the past six months, and has basically said there’s no plan to expedite replacing them

I work customer support for a major company that provides service software to a shitload of major companies like Microsoft and Coke. In the past six months, 2 of our 3rd shift team have either quit or been fired, and another just put in notice. As a result of this everyone else's caseload has risen by an insane amount, and we've been given nothing in terms of resources. We're constantly told how much easier we have it than other teams because we take less calls. We take less calls because we have 3 fucking agents right now. Every case is becoming massively complex and a magical Tier-1 Priority issue, which means we're supposed to make that case our main priority. But we also have to cover shifts of chats, as well as answering every case that comes in on those shifts. It's unsustainable, and the remaining team is all insanely…

I work customer support for a major company that provides service software to a shitload of major companies like Microsoft and Coke. In the past six months, 2 of our 3rd shift team have either quit or been fired, and another just put in notice.

As a result of this everyone else's caseload has risen by an insane amount, and we've been given nothing in terms of resources. We're constantly told how much easier we have it than other teams because we take less calls. We take less calls because we have 3 fucking agents right now. Every case is becoming massively complex and a magical Tier-1 Priority issue, which means we're supposed to make that case our main priority. But we also have to cover shifts of chats, as well as answering every case that comes in on those shifts.

It's unsustainable, and the remaining team is all insanely burned out. One of the higher-ups said not to take on extra assignments more than we can handle, but still seem to expect us to take at least one. How the fuck are we supposed to take on more, when even the base is too much anymore.

I just wanna fucking die, I hate this job, I hate this career, I hate being expected to work every day for people who fired all of our resources because their bonuses weren't big enough last year.

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