
My company just sold half our product portfolio and fired half of the staff

We were supposed to get our bonuses/raises in April. Time kept ticking by and they kept making excuses like, “the board have had scheduling conflicts” or “we hoped to get things finalized this week but we have no news right now”, blah blah. The silence has been deafening and people were getting really, really angry about it. This morning we had a townhall and it was announced that half our product portfolio has been sold to a brand new start up company. About 25% of our employees are being “divested” to go work for them, 25% let go, and 50% staying as normal. The start up company is in Florida and we're in New York. I'm one of the “lucky” ones that is staying but there are divested people who JUST bought homes here. One long standing marriage has the spouse staying with the original company but the other got…

We were supposed to get our bonuses/raises in April. Time kept ticking by and they kept making excuses like, “the board have had scheduling conflicts” or “we hoped to get things finalized this week but we have no news right now”, blah blah. The silence has been deafening and people were getting really, really angry about it.

This morning we had a townhall and it was announced that half our product portfolio has been sold to a brand new start up company. About 25% of our employees are being “divested” to go work for them, 25% let go, and 50% staying as normal. The start up company is in Florida and we're in New York.

I'm one of the “lucky” ones that is staying but there are divested people who JUST bought homes here. One long standing marriage has the spouse staying with the original company but the other got divested to Florida. Not to mention all of the people they fired without a second thought.

Now we know why they've been holding out on bonuses and raises for so long but my god… No one saw this being the reason why.

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