
My contract ended yesterday

[Posting from privacy-enhanced account] Since yesterday, I am no longer an employee at BigCompany (I won't disclose the name for obvious reasons). I've spent 13 years there and became a key element yet they fired me (with a nice severance package 🙂 BigCompany decided that I was not worth the expense and my job could probably be done for less by someone else in Bangalore : In the eyes of accounting I am just a resource and a resource anywhere else should be equivalent to me so why spend 5 times more ? Except I was way more experienced and knowledgeable than my colleagues in India who would change jobs every 6 months. They are now left with rookies with huge challenges ahead. I wish them the best, I bought a barrel of popcorn with my unemployment benefits 🙂 I can't stop laughing.

[Posting from privacy-enhanced account]

Since yesterday, I am no longer an employee at BigCompany (I won't disclose the name for obvious reasons). I've spent 13 years there and became a key element yet they fired me (with a nice severance package 🙂

BigCompany decided that I was not worth the expense and my job could probably be done for less by someone else in Bangalore : In the eyes of accounting I am just a resource and a resource anywhere else should be equivalent to me so why spend 5 times more ? Except I was way more experienced and knowledgeable than my colleagues in India who would change jobs every 6 months.

They are now left with rookies with huge challenges ahead. I wish them the best, I bought a barrel of popcorn with my unemployment benefits 🙂

I can't stop laughing.

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