
My coworker is a bully and no one will stop her

So my coworker, let's call her R, is a bully. She does things like assigning me extra work (she's technically a team lead without the title or pay raise) and then chastising me when I cannot get it all done, she tells me I'm a bad worker, she'll ignore me, she rolls her eyes at me and scoffs when I talk or ask a question. She's a bully. I have talked to two managers and HR, but no one will stop her because she's best friends with one of the managers, who is also kind of a bully. At this point, I may have to give my notice, because she's making me miserable at a job that I actually really like. In fact, I love this job, and I had planned to stay a long time. But I can't do this everyday. She makes me cry, that's how bad it…

So my coworker, let's call her R, is a bully. She does things like assigning me extra work (she's technically a team lead without the title or pay raise) and then chastising me when I cannot get it all done, she tells me I'm a bad worker, she'll ignore me, she rolls her eyes at me and scoffs when I talk or ask a question. She's a bully. I have talked to two managers and HR, but no one will stop her because she's best friends with one of the managers, who is also kind of a bully.

At this point, I may have to give my notice, because she's making me miserable at a job that I actually really like. In fact, I love this job, and I had planned to stay a long time. But I can't do this everyday. She makes me cry, that's how bad it is.

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