
My coworker quit out of frustration, and my employers are telling everyone she was fired.

I work for a small nonprofit that has been doing a shit job retaining their employees lately, due to treating us poorly and other shitty behaviors. Recently, one of my coworkers quit out of frustration, which I feel like was basically a constructive dismissal because she was pretty much pushed to the point of being forced to quit. For the sake of brevity, I'm not going to go through all the problems that we've been dealing with, but I wanted to ask people about this particular issue. This coworker and I had been talking the whole time, commiserating on our shitty treatment and trying to figure out what we could do. She made several formal complaints, and included me in them. Ultimately, they told us not to talk to each other anymore (wtf right?), but of course we did, because they absolutely can't tell us we can't talk to each…

I work for a small nonprofit that has been doing a shit job retaining their employees lately, due to treating us poorly and other shitty behaviors. Recently, one of my coworkers quit out of frustration, which I feel like was basically a constructive dismissal because she was pretty much pushed to the point of being forced to quit.

For the sake of brevity, I'm not going to go through all the problems that we've been dealing with, but I wanted to ask people about this particular issue.

This coworker and I had been talking the whole time, commiserating on our shitty treatment and trying to figure out what we could do. She made several formal complaints, and included me in them. Ultimately, they told us not to talk to each other anymore (wtf right?), but of course we did, because they absolutely can't tell us we can't talk to each other.

She told me, and only me, that she was planning to turn in her stuff and quit without notice at her next shift, which was on a Saturday. Our bosses did not know that she was going to do this. On Friday (the day before she quit), they sent out an email to all the staff saying she no longer worked there. Of course I told her about it, and she was floored. Nobody had told her she didn't work there any longer, even though that was what she was going to tell our bosses the next day.

Anyway, she quit that Saturday without discussing it with anyone – just turned in her stuff and walked away. Since then, I've talked to my supervisor about everything that happened. Of course, my supervisor wouldn't disclose any information, but she told me that my coworker was terminated.

I asked my coworker about it, and she said “wtf, no I wasn't fired, I quit” and showed me her letter of resignation.

I can't imagine what she could have been terminated for, other than retaliation for making valid complaints. So isn't it super fucked up that they are telling everyone that she was fired, even though they never said anything of the sort to her?

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