
My coworker was upset about a fast food wage raise

I work at a local florist, I love my job qnd my coworkers. We generally get paid 15-20 an hour. We were discussing the recent vote on raising the wage of fast food workers and I am in the camp that a win for them is a win for all of us. But she's in the camp of “It's not hard, teachers should make more. Not burger flippers” and yeah okay, teachers /should/ make more but everyone deserves a living wage????? Idk it's just something I've been really annoyed about, and I notice it in a lot of my younger coworkers. That somehow a person providing labor in food and hospitality deserves lower pay.

I work at a local florist, I love my job qnd my coworkers. We generally get paid 15-20 an hour. We were discussing the recent vote on raising the wage of fast food workers and I am in the camp that a win for them is a win for all of us. But she's in the camp of “It's not hard, teachers should make more. Not burger flippers” and yeah okay, teachers /should/ make more but everyone deserves a living wage?????

Idk it's just something I've been really annoyed about, and I notice it in a lot of my younger coworkers. That somehow a person providing labor in food and hospitality deserves lower pay.

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