
MY coworker, who had been with the company for 10+ years and the nicest hardest working guy, was fired

The compang was in the red from mismanagement of revenue despite hitting our quota last quarter early, which we the workers never saw a dime of. We are already short staffed and underpaid and to my absolute fucking shock, my coworker who I thought had absolute job security as the most reliable worker, got fired. And do you know how after 10+ years with the company did they send him off? With an email of less than 100 words saying they are parting ways with him. Companies don't give a shit about loyalty

The compang was in the red from mismanagement of revenue despite hitting our quota last quarter early, which we the workers never saw a dime of.

We are already short staffed and underpaid and to my absolute fucking shock, my coworker who I thought had absolute job security as the most reliable worker, got fired.

And do you know how after 10+ years with the company did they send him off? With an email of less than 100 words saying they are parting ways with him.

Companies don't give a shit about loyalty

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