
My coworkers got me laid off

I got told by my boss that “I do excellent and high quality work”. Only ever had positive reviews and all my review sessions said I am doing great. Then all the sudden one of the senior team members on my team started telling my boss bad things about me. For instance, she’s tell me something was done in a certain way, so I’d do it that way, and then I would get a meeting with my boss saying that I wasn’t supposed to do it that way and that that coworker was the one who told on me. This happened a few times and then a week later I get a message from my boss asking to meet. I meet with my boss and all that I’m told is the team is changing structure and I’m no longer needed. Only ever had positive reviews, my coworkers said I did…

I got told by my boss that “I do excellent and high quality work”. Only ever had positive reviews and all my review sessions said I am doing great. Then all the sudden one of the senior team members on my team started telling my boss bad things about me. For instance, she’s tell me something was done in a certain way, so I’d do it that way, and then I would get a meeting with my boss saying that I wasn’t supposed to do it that way and that that coworker was the one who told on me. This happened a few times and then a week later I get a message from my boss asking to meet. I meet with my boss and all that I’m told is the team is changing structure and I’m no longer needed. Only ever had positive reviews, my coworkers said I did great work, and boom. Out of nowhere. I’m so angry and know that it was this coworker talking bad about me to my boss. I so badly want to do something about it but should I just move on?

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