
My dad was fired for “fraud” after working for his company for 2 years

My dad was a 2nd shift supervisor at a warehouse for nearly 2 years and today he was let go on bogus claims of fraud. They claim he changed hours that my brother had worked on days he missed work. For context my brother worked under my dad as a forklift driver but he would ultimately end up switching to 1st shift due to claims of favoritism from some employees. Since my brother had just recently changed shift, my dad still had access to his hours on the payroll website. My brother missed work on Monday and Wednesday of last week and my dad submitted the weeks payroll that Friday. They claim that changes to the hours were made on Sunday from his account. The only ones with access to his account are my dad and the plant manager. My dad says he didn’t make the changes and he would…

My dad was a 2nd shift supervisor at a warehouse for nearly 2 years and today he was let go on bogus claims of fraud. They claim he changed hours that my brother had worked on days he missed work. For context my brother worked under my dad as a forklift driver but he would ultimately end up switching to 1st shift due to claims of favoritism from some employees. Since my brother had just recently changed shift, my dad still had access to his hours on the payroll website. My brother missed work on Monday and Wednesday of last week and my dad submitted the weeks payroll that Friday. They claim that changes to the hours were made on Sunday from his account. The only ones with access to his account are my dad and the plant manager. My dad says he didn’t make the changes and he would have no reason to if my brother had requested the days off with the 1st shift supervisor. He argued with them that they would immediately know he was the one to change the hours and he has never even added 1 extra hour to my brother in the past. Let alone the fact that he didn’t even access the website on the day that the changes were made. My dad is an honest person and I know he didn’t make those changes, he’s smarter than that. The company said they held an investigation and the only conclusion they came out with was that it was my dad since the changes were made with his account. We have reason to suspect foul play from the plant manager and the first shift supervisor. It boils my blood to know that they would blame my dad for something he didn’t do. My dad has been loyal to the company and was seen as a great person from the higher ups. Could this be taken to court or can my dad take any other actions against this malicious act? Any recommendations are appreciated! Thank you.

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