
My employees are severely underpaid and the company will not give raises. What are my options?

I've been trying to advocate for wage increases for my team but without any success despite them being FAR below market. I honestly don't know why they still work at this company. I've pointed out cost of living, market rate, tried to convince that pay increases lead to higher productivity, but ultimately the power players just don't give a shit. It really bothers me that these hardworking people can't afford basic necessities like food or housing despite working a full time corporate job (some even 2 jobs). Like it REALLY grinds my gears. As their leader I feel a responsibility to advocate for them but nothing I say matters and I'm becoming very frustrated with HR. Is there anything else I can do to help? I almost want to encourage them to quit lol but I don't want to tell them they're underpaid cause it would just sow resentment and…

I've been trying to advocate for wage increases for my team but without any success despite them being FAR below market. I honestly don't know why they still work at this company. I've pointed out cost of living, market rate, tried to convince that pay increases lead to higher productivity, but ultimately the power players just don't give a shit.

It really bothers me that these hardworking people can't afford basic necessities like food or housing despite working a full time corporate job (some even 2 jobs). Like it REALLY grinds my gears. As their leader I feel a responsibility to advocate for them but nothing I say matters and I'm becoming very frustrated with HR.

Is there anything else I can do to help? I almost want to encourage them to quit lol but I don't want to tell them they're underpaid cause it would just sow resentment and still not change anything.

Any middle managers out there that are good at the corporate politics? What would you advise I do?

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