
My employer had an outrage over the phone because I picked up the call one minute later.

Today was a very busy day at work and sometimes I can't answer the working cell phone especially if a client is talking or paying. I saw 2 missed calls from my boss and called back right away and during the 8 working hours, she called at least 6 times, 4 of them which I picked up. If I don't pick up, she normally waits till I call back but today she called me on my personal phone. The first time she asked why I didn't pick up, I said I was in the toilet and then 3 hours later, she called and I was in the toilet and off the clock. Then I went out and a client wanted to get something and then in between I saw my personal phone's screen flashing. I picked up and then I heard my boss shouting and screaming about who I think…

Today was a very busy day at work and sometimes I can't answer the working cell phone especially if a client is talking or paying. I saw 2 missed calls from my boss and called back right away and during the 8 working hours, she called at least 6 times, 4 of them which I picked up. If I don't pick up, she normally waits till I call back but today she called me on my personal phone.
The first time she asked why I didn't pick up, I said I was in the toilet and then 3 hours later, she called and I was in the toilet and off the clock. Then I went out and a client wanted to get something and then in between I saw my personal phone's screen flashing. I picked up and then I heard my boss shouting and screaming about who I think I am to not pick up the phone and that I'm ignoring her on purpose. She said I'm lying about being in the toilet because she saw me standing through the Camera. She also said I'm just a little boy and nobody taught me how to respect older people because I literally asked back: why wouldn't I pick up if I saw you calling? And I kept repeating that to her. Then she went on to say that I'm just an employee and that I have till tomorrow to decide if I wanna continue working or play around because she is done to which I replied “sure” but she seemed to be taken aback by it. This is something she hasn't said to me in my years of working. I understand she could be pissed but ever since she increased my salary because I asked to, it seems that she is finding ways to lower it. Only few days ago, she was hinting that she wanna fire any coworker because her company is financially struggling. I heard many lectures before from her and shouting which difuse a call later but this time it was different.
I wanna have a different perspective if this outrage is justified or if my boss deliberatey doing that and wants me to have the choice to leave so she doesn't bear the guilt that she fired me even tho we are pretty close (or so does she think) ?

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