
My employer is intentionally fudging the metrics

How many of you have to deal with performance metrics? Calls answered, forms processed, SLAs, etc? My employer is calculating my inbound phone call answering rate incorrectly – they're including calls outside of my normal 8 am – 5 pm work hours and calls that come in during my lunch break. They're obviously doing this to avoid paying out raises at the year-end evaluation. Fuck this hellscape world.

How many of you have to deal with performance metrics? Calls answered, forms processed, SLAs, etc?

My employer is calculating my inbound phone call answering rate incorrectly – they're including calls outside of my normal 8 am – 5 pm work hours and calls that come in during my lunch break.

They're obviously doing this to avoid paying out raises at the year-end evaluation.

Fuck this hellscape world.

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