
My employer is preventing me from working [NC]

I work for a small photo studio part time. Going into the “busy season” my employer has blackout dates where no one is allowed to request days off [even unpaid]. The idea is that we are supposed to be too busy to take off and everyone would be getting more or less full time hours, whereas before most people are getting closer to 20 hours a week. The trouble is, that this can often leave one without shifts and unable to schedule work elsewhere. Even during regular times of the year, he historically puts the schedule only a couple days in advance of the week and it is not a fixed schedule, so it is impossible to predict what days you will be working. On top of this, we have now entered into the blackout period and instead of hours going up, they have actually gone down dramatically across the…

I work for a small photo studio part time. Going into the “busy season” my employer has blackout dates where no one is allowed to request days off [even unpaid]. The idea is that we are supposed to be too busy to take off and everyone would be getting more or less full time hours, whereas before most people are getting closer to 20 hours a week.
The trouble is, that this can often leave one without shifts and unable to schedule work elsewhere. Even during regular times of the year, he historically puts the schedule only a couple days in advance of the week and it is not a fixed schedule, so it is impossible to predict what days you will be working.
On top of this, we have now entered into the blackout period and instead of hours going up, they have actually gone down dramatically across the board. Still, we are not allowed to request days off, [read as- share work our availability]. He is essentially demanding full time availability while only giving very low, part time hours.
I have other jobs that I could be working, but it typically requires being able to schedule out at least two weeks in advance. Since taking this role at the studio, I haven't been able to work those as much because of the unpredictable schedule he gives.
How can I resolve this? All I am asking for is a reasonable amount of predictability surrounding my schedule, yet he is resistant. Is there really no workplace protections surrounding this? He is blocking out my schedule and then not giving me shifts. How can that be legal?

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