
My employer told me to break the law in order to get to work this weekend.

Just venting, sort of. This Saturday, I lost track of my phone. We think it fell out of my pocket while we were hurrying in from the back yard, getting harassed by bees. It was outside in the rain all night. I'm usually very careful since I have a card wallet and since I am required to use my (personal) phone for work – I drive quite a bit and am tracked with an app. Since my license is also in the card wallet, I wasn't going to be able to drive for my shift on Sunday. I called my team leader to notify her and she asked me if I “can't just give them my license number if I get pulled over”. In my state, driving without your driver license amounts to an infraction and points on your license. I told her no, because I don't want to jeopardize…

Just venting, sort of.

This Saturday, I lost track of my phone. We think it fell out of my pocket while we were hurrying in from the back yard, getting harassed by bees. It was outside in the rain all night. I'm usually very careful since I have a card wallet and since I am required to use my (personal) phone for work – I drive quite a bit and am tracked with an app.

Since my license is also in the card wallet, I wasn't going to be able to drive for my shift on Sunday. I called my team leader to notify her and she asked me if I “can't just give them my license number if I get pulled over”. In my state, driving without your driver license amounts to an infraction and points on your license. I told her no, because I don't want to jeopardize my driving record.

I've been with this company for a little over a year, and even though they've shown me time and again that they ONLY care about a warm body to put on the schedule, and they only care about me if I'm going to be that warm body. My husband feels they were partly to blame for the MS relapse I experienced back in September after a schedule mix up. I was on call and called in to a shift that would start at 5PM. I got one text and one email while I was napping before the on-call shift started, since I had just gotten off of work at 3PM that day and I was experiencing minor symptoms already. When I didn't answer, they didn't leave a message or send anything, they just went ahead and called the next person out to the destination since I was a “no call, no show”. Are you telling me that I am not actually on call for 5-9, I'm also on call from 3-9?

I drove 30 minutes to the destination and arrived on time only to find someone else had been sent out. When I called my supervisor, she basically confirmed that we are on call from 3-9 but only get paid for 5-9. I was so upset that I called my husband furious and crying and after that I experienced my first relapse.

I hate this job. I hate this company. I would give anything to just walk away from it right now. I'll be in nursing school in August, and maybe I can quit or go part time then. Until then I just feel like a time bomb.

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