
My first actual working experience left me with severe burnout and I fear working long hours now

When I(17f) was 14 I worked as a dishwasher for a restaurant and went to school full time. I was working 5 days a week most of which were school days and I became severely burned out and depressed after a few months of living to work. I had no control over what I did most days as my daily routine consisted of waking up going to school going to work coming home and going to bed. I had no time to properly de-stress and began self harming a lot. I had a mental breakdown at work nearly every day and the thought of ending my life was being considered almost every day. I wanted to quit and focus on school but my mom wouldn’t let me because I had to “build up trust with my boss” I was eventually fired after I was caught running a box cutter across…

When I(17f) was 14 I worked as a dishwasher for a restaurant and went to school full time. I was working 5 days a week most of which were school days and I became severely burned out and depressed after a few months of living to work. I had no control over what I did most days as my daily routine consisted of waking up going to school going to work coming home and going to bed. I had no time to properly de-stress and began self harming a lot. I had a mental breakdown at work nearly every day and the thought of ending my life was being considered almost every day.

I wanted to quit and focus on school but my mom wouldn’t let me because I had to “build up trust with my boss” I was eventually fired after I was caught running a box cutter across my arms. My next job was significantly better but still caused the same anxiety I felt at my old job and even to this day the thought of work scares me because i associate work with the feeling of burnout and I’d rather die than go through that again. With how much the cost of living has increased and with how little I’m payed inworry I’ll never be able to make it in life and have considered ending it all and saving myself the trouble

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