
My former employer has lost more than an centuries worth of knowledge in the past 3 years.

When the first person left they took 25 years with them. I was out soon after and took 20 with me. The mass exodus that followed was really unexpected though. 4 more, each with 20-30 years. The company was small, firmly established and well known in this part of the state. The boss was on the regulatory board even. Before it all went down the 'new guy' had been there over 10 years. After all that I'm willing to bet money on the fact that he doesn't have a fucking clue why it happened. About 150 years of intimate industry knowledge. Gone. Fuck your pedestal. That's why it happened.

When the first person left they took 25 years with them. I was out soon after and took 20 with me. The mass exodus that followed was really unexpected though. 4 more, each with 20-30 years. The company was small, firmly established and well known in this part of the state. The boss was on the regulatory board even. Before it all went down the 'new guy' had been there over 10 years. After all that I'm willing to bet money on the fact that he doesn't have a fucking clue why it happened. About 150 years of intimate industry knowledge. Gone. Fuck your pedestal. That's why it happened.

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