
My former preceptor-turned-coworker keeps twisting my words and bullying me. Can I report her for causing a hostile work environment?

I'm sorry if this isn't the right subreddit. But I need advice. And I am having nightmares about this. I used to be an intern where this woman, “Emily”, was my preceptor. She would do things like make remarks on my painted nails (“Did you know that nail polish has formaldehyde in it?”), open doors for me to walk through and loudly complain, “I do everything for everyone and I'm so tired of it”, and complain that my presence as an intern was impacting her workflow. Needless to say, I stopped asking her questions when I needed help, because she would get upset and snap at me. After my internship, I moved states. She ended up being hired after me with the same job title at my new company. As soon as she got hired, she turned around and asked me, “I know I was hard on you during your…

I'm sorry if this isn't the right subreddit. But I need advice. And I am having nightmares about this.

I used to be an intern where this woman, “Emily”, was my preceptor. She would do things like make remarks on my painted nails (“Did you know that nail polish has formaldehyde in it?”), open doors for me to walk through and loudly complain, “I do everything for everyone and I'm so tired of it”, and complain that my presence as an intern was impacting her workflow. Needless to say, I stopped asking her questions when I needed help, because she would get upset and snap at me.

After my internship, I moved states. She ended up being hired after me with the same job title at my new company. As soon as she got hired, she turned around and asked me, “I know I was hard on you during your internship. But you'll accept my apology, right?” (smirking).

Now, 6+ months later, she is constantly twisting my words, bullying me, and cannot do her job (although that is unrelated). For example, she would notice that our director had red eyes (I never noticed anything) and comment to me that he was smoking weed or that he looked constipated. Later she would bring it up in front of everyone and say that “U/PERIWINKE WAS AGREEING WITH ME THAT DIRECTOR LOOKED CONSTIPATED” and gloat about it as if it was funny. I have shut it down in the moment, but how do I keep her from continuing?

She also has temper tantrums when something goes wrong and, out of the whole office, will pick me to take it out on. I have tried my best to not be a target and speak up for myself. But it's getting tiring.

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