
My friend on benefits get £2200 a month for him and his family. What is the point in working.

I have a mortgage and about £30 in my bank account. Every month is a stretch and a struggle.. meanwhile some friends I know watch TV all day, go shopping, do a ton of drugs and sit back and relax whilst money flows into their bank. They have another £300 coming this month as well ‘cost of living’ payment. But no payments are given to those who work. I feel like I’ve done it all wrong. I should have got knocked up, got a council house and been a stay at home mum. Instead both my partner and I don’t have any kids as we can’t afford to regardless of us both working full time. We still have another 25 years on the mortgage. Yes I’ll have a house at the end of it.. but I don’t care about materialistic things anymore.. I can’t take my house with me when…

I have a mortgage and about £30 in my bank account. Every month is a stretch and a struggle.. meanwhile some friends I know watch TV all day, go shopping, do a ton of drugs and sit back and relax whilst money flows into their bank. They have another £300 coming this month as well ‘cost of living’ payment. But no payments are given to those who work.

I feel like I’ve done it all wrong. I should have got knocked up, got a council house and been a stay at home mum.

Instead both my partner and I don’t have any kids as we can’t afford to regardless of us both working full time. We still have another 25 years on the mortgage.

Yes I’ll have a house at the end of it.. but I don’t care about materialistic things anymore.. I can’t take my house with me when I die.

Why did I do it this way. I feel like such an idiot.

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