
My friend reported racism and now is being retaliated against.

Hi everyone, I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Jackie because she doesn't have Reddit and doesn't want to download the app. So on to the issue, Jackie verbally reported her coworker Toad (not a misspelling) because Toad had made a racist comment against two other coworkers, Jessica and Maria. Jackie heard all of this in the break room and decided to report it to the supervisor Andrea. Now Andrea is buddy buddy with Toad and obviously wants to protect this piece of garbage/the company. So, Andrea is looking into Jackie's work performance like most stories I've read on here and sent her an email stating that she had implemented policies and spoke to the other parties involved. Here is the thing, Jackie had told me that she spoke to the two women prior to receiving the email and they just don't want to say anything in fear of losing…

Hi everyone,
I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Jackie because she doesn't have Reddit and doesn't want to download the app. So on to the issue, Jackie verbally reported her coworker Toad (not a misspelling) because Toad had made a racist comment against two other coworkers, Jessica and Maria. Jackie heard all of this in the break room and decided to report it to the supervisor Andrea.

Now Andrea is buddy buddy with Toad and obviously wants to protect this piece of garbage/the company. So, Andrea is looking into Jackie's work performance like most stories I've read on here and sent her an email stating that she had implemented policies and spoke to the other parties involved. Here is the thing, Jackie had told me that she spoke to the two women prior to receiving the email and they just don't want to say anything in fear of losing their jobs. While Jackie did the right thing, she is standing alone against racism and feels the pressure to perform her job without error.

Jackie said that the email Andrea sent was vague and avoided direct mentioning of racism. Also, the policies that are in place now have nothing to do with the issue it's only to get her to shut up. Since reporting, Jackie has gotten two writes up for two separate reasons. She hasn't had much time looking for a lawyer because she works two jobs and has kids to take care of, but said she will make time and that it's on her to do list. Jackie is asking fellow Redditors, who have gone through something similar, what a response back to Andrea would look like?

Note: She lives in Seattle and is a single mom.

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