
My friend was sexually harassed at work by a supervisor and is now facing reprisals after speaking with HR

My friend, Anne, works as a delivery driver for a local restaurant. She was in a relationship with a coworker, Bob, she and Bob broke up about a month or so ago but are still friends. Her supervisor, Charlie, was one of Bob's friends and also had a crush on Anne. Charlie found out about a particular sexual kink of Bob's and, after an argument with Bob, sent a text to Anne threatening to out them to the rest of their coworkers. Naturally uncomfortable with this, as the particular kink would likely harm her reputation more than Bob's, Anne reported it to HR. In response HR began claiming that Charlie was never her superior in any way (she has text messages in which the store manager, David, says that she reports to Charlie), and that they will write Charlie up. David then wrote up Charlie. The next day, Anne goes…

My friend, Anne, works as a delivery driver for a local restaurant. She was in a relationship with a coworker, Bob, she and Bob broke up about a month or so ago but are still friends. Her supervisor, Charlie, was one of Bob's friends and also had a crush on Anne. Charlie found out about a particular sexual kink of Bob's and, after an argument with Bob, sent a text to Anne threatening to out them to the rest of their coworkers. Naturally uncomfortable with this, as the particular kink would likely harm her reputation more than Bob's, Anne reported it to HR. In response HR began claiming that Charlie was never her superior in any way (she has text messages in which the store manager, David, says that she reports to Charlie), and that they will write Charlie up. David then wrote up Charlie.

The next day, Anne goes into work and David starts yelling at her for very minor things. He also had Bob and Charlie “talk it out” which, according to Bob, was mostly David yelling at them. The next day, Anne was feeling suicidal, so she attempted to call in. She had Bob cover her shift. David called her and yelled at her that she was not able to be replaced that shift as she is one of the two in the shop that they have to answer phones and the other person isn't in today. So she goes in, late because she had her shift covered and wasn't planning on going in (mind you, this is the norm for how calling in operates. In the 4 years she has worked there, it's always been “just get someone to cover your shift.” She's also never had an issue with it any time prior. David has never mentioned the phones thing.). Because she was late, David wrote her up (again, unusual. She was only a couple minutes late and she, and many others, have been late on occasion and, as long as they give the manager a heads up and it isn't a routine thing, there have never been any write ups). For the record, in the 4 years she has been there, she has never been written up or even faced any sort of disciplinary action.

Now, in the week since that event, David has been breathing down her neck, and a lot of her coworkers are acting very cold towards her (the shop has essentially split into pro-Anne and pro-Charlie factions).

She's now terrified that David is trying to create a paper trail so that he can fire her, which would result in her likely losing her apartment that she shares with her 2 teenage children. She is currently looking for another job, but she moved into her current apartment with her current pay budgeted for and the highest paying job she has found so far would be a 3-4 dollar/hr cut.

What are her options?

For the record, this is a throwaway account as I'm friends with some of her coworkers and they know my reddit. Also the names and certain details are made up so that hopefully this remains anonymous.

Edit: this is in New York state, since that's probably relevant

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