
My gf job is attempting to charge her for something they indicated was free until she put her two weeks in

My gf works at an optical center and after a bunch of bullshit of her getting sick and them refusing to accept it, she put her two weeks in. Well they just now decided to bill her 250 for a pair of glasses they gave her almost a month ago. They never told her a price or indicated that she would be charged but instead implied it was a free perk of the job. We live in VA. Does anyone know if this is even legal?

My gf works at an optical center and after a bunch of bullshit of her getting sick and them refusing to accept it, she put her two weeks in. Well they just now decided to bill her 250 for a pair of glasses they gave her almost a month ago. They never told her a price or indicated that she would be charged but instead implied it was a free perk of the job. We live in VA. Does anyone know if this is even legal?

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