
My girlfriend and I both lost our jobs on the same day

So this has turned out to be pretty much the worst Friday of my life. It all started when I logged in to my remote job to find I was scheduled for a meeting with a senior vice president from my company that I'd never met before. I joined and braced myself as I started hearing the typical corporate speech, “Our company's new mission for 2024 has caused us to focus more on some parts of the company and less on others. Unfortunately, your position was among those selected to be removed…Blah Blah Blah”. I kind of disassociated for a little bit after that and only heard some parts of what she said next. Stuff involving a severance package, COBRA, and all that stuff. Apparently, I was part of some kind of layoff from the company that I wasn't expecting. After we hung up, I kinda panicked and started updating…

So this has turned out to be pretty much the worst Friday of my life.

It all started when I logged in to my remote job to find I was scheduled for a meeting with a senior vice president from my company that I'd never met before.

I joined and braced myself as I started hearing the typical corporate speech, “Our company's new mission for 2024 has caused us to focus more on some parts of the company and less on others. Unfortunately, your position was among those selected to be removed…Blah Blah Blah”.

I kind of disassociated for a little bit after that and only heard some parts of what she said next. Stuff involving a severance package, COBRA, and all that stuff. Apparently, I was part of some kind of layoff from the company that I wasn't expecting. After we hung up, I kinda panicked and started updating my resume on my work laptop to use it for future jobs when the computer froze and shut down. It wasn't until then that it really sunk in for me.

After anxiously calling my parents and my girlfriend I thought the day was as bad as it could possibly get. Until a few hours later when my girlfriend texted me to tell me that she'd just been let go from her job as well.

If it wasn't for us having $20,000 in savings and our supportive families who each sympathized with us and told us they would help us in any way they could while we try to get back on our feet, I don't think we would be alive today.

It's gonna be hard updating an old resume that has none of my current work experience listed yet, along with our depressive and anxious thoughts, but I think we'll make it. I'm mostly posting this to vent and just to share because seriously. what are the odds that both members of a couple lose their jobs at different companies on the same day? Has that ever happened to any of you? Knowing it's happened to others will help me feel better haha.

As an aside, our normally really reclusive cat has been super affectionate to us all day today. I think he knows we're having a hard time ️. He and our other pets are definitely another reason we're still alive haha.

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