
My girlfriend got fired for having respiratory problems, she’ll get no severance.

My girlfriend's been working as a camera technician at a Russian's family small company in Prague (the company is called Film-Technika) as a camera technician and account manager. She often had respiratory issues and allergy episodes while working in their warehouse, to the point that she had to go to the hospital a few times. She eventually got confirmed by a doctor that she has severe allergy to dust (which abunds in the warehouse). She asked her boss to install an air filter, to which he refused. She then proceeded to give in her 2 months notice (legal requirement in czech republic). However, at the time her boss caved in, and accepted to move her to his office (where they have considerably cleaner air) plus a pay bump, in exchange she retreated her notice, and asked for the document to be destroyed. Last week, her boss told her that she…

My girlfriend's been working as a camera technician at a Russian's family small company in Prague (the company is called Film-Technika) as a camera technician and account manager. She often had respiratory issues and allergy episodes while working in their warehouse, to the point that she had to go to the hospital a few times. She eventually got confirmed by a doctor that she has severe allergy to dust (which abunds in the warehouse). She asked her boss to install an air filter, to which he refused. She then proceeded to give in her 2 months notice (legal requirement in czech republic).
However, at the time her boss caved in, and accepted to move her to his office (where they have considerably cleaner air) plus a pay bump, in exchange she retreated her notice, and asked for the document to be destroyed.

Last week, her boss told her that she had to go back working in the warehouse or he'd fire her, and when she told him that she can't work in those conditions for medical reasons, he fired her on the spot and told her she'd get no severance, since he secretly kept the notice papers she gave a few months ago.

She was a bit relieved to get out of there, expecially because these people are quite pro-russia behind closed doors, and always been demeaning towards her as she's Czech.

However I think what he did with the papers was extremely dishonest, and I think this guy should face some consequences.

Is there actually anything we could possibly do?

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