
My hands were bleeding and Starbucks Manager refuse to let me go home.

During the dry season, all Starbucks Partners at my store had dry hands. Since I have larger hands, mine were more severely affected with open cracks from the dry skin. My knuckles, wrists, and fingertips had numerous open cracks. I contacted my doctor, and he advised me to use medicated lotion, gloves, and bandages. One day, my gloves broke around noon, and there were no backup gloves, lotion, or bandages available because everyone had used them all. I continued working for another 2 hours, and blood started leaking from my dry cracks. I showed my manager the blood flowing from my hands, like a scene from a horror movie. Her reaction was indifferent. She looked at me as if I was an idiot and told me to use medication. I explained that there was no medication left. After checking herself, she suggested I simply wash my hands and resume work,…

During the dry season, all Starbucks Partners at my store had dry hands. Since I have larger hands, mine were more severely affected with open cracks from the dry skin. My knuckles, wrists, and fingertips had numerous open cracks. I contacted my doctor, and he advised me to use medicated lotion, gloves, and bandages.

One day, my gloves broke around noon, and there were no backup gloves, lotion, or bandages available because everyone had used them all. I continued working for another 2 hours, and blood started leaking from my dry cracks.

I showed my manager the blood flowing from my hands, like a scene from a horror movie. Her reaction was indifferent. She looked at me as if I was an idiot and told me to use medication. I explained that there was no medication left. After checking herself, she suggested I simply wash my hands and resume work, but that didn't help. Eventually, she told me to clean the floor and restock.

I no longer work there, but this experience serves as a painful reminder that company managers dont care about you. I could have considered legal action, but I was too burned out at the time to even remember to do so.

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