
My horrible experience in fast food.

I also posted this on r/TrueOffMyChest I (then 15 NB) worked at a fast food place for a year and a few months, I started at the end of my freshman year and worked until mid-summer after sophomore year. When I had started working there I still went by my deadname and she/her, but after a few months I changed my name and pronouns but did not tell anyone at my job as I didn't know how people would react (I'll come back to this later). The work environment was completely unprofessional, everyone there partook in less than legal pass-times and were honestly just rude people (they would talk about people behind their backs and it got so bad that the general manager quit due to the reg. managers bullying her). On my very first day I showed up and was immediately put on drive-through and this establishment had only…

I also posted this on r/TrueOffMyChest

I (then 15 NB) worked at a fast food place for a year and a few months, I started at the end of my freshman year and worked until mid-summer after sophomore year. When I had started working there I still went by my deadname and she/her, but after a few months I changed my name and pronouns but did not tell anyone at my job as I didn't know how people would react (I'll come back to this later). The work environment was completely unprofessional, everyone there partook in less than legal pass-times and were honestly just rude people (they would talk about people behind their backs and it got so bad that the general manager quit due to the reg. managers bullying her). On my very first day I showed up and was immediately put on drive-through and this establishment had only opened days prior so it was jam-packed, I spent my entire day shaking and panicking and was pretty much left to fend for myself (that isn't to bad but still, I think I had like 3 panic attacks). The main bad part though was when it came to my name and pronouns. At some point one of my coworkers had asked for my snapchat so when I gave it to her and the name on my snap was not the name she knew me by, I ended up telling her what my actual name was and this then spread around to the others working there. I had told them that I like when people use he/him pronouns when referring to me and so everyone promptly ignored that unless specifically reminded. The first incident was when the new GM found out about my new name, he referred to me as my deadname and when a coworker said, “Oh actually it's (name).” he stopped and got confused, when the coworker explained that I likes to go by a new name he turned to me and said, “Oh, don't let anyone change your name! (Deadname) is such a pretty name!” this led to me crying in the bathroom. The rest of the problems came with just a regular manager who I'll call K. K was really nice at first and I really liked him, he was super sweet and knew how to deal with rude costumers when I got too freaked out, but after he found out about my new name and pronouns things changed. He did put in effort to change but he still managed to say a lot of horrible things, like a few times when I would mess something up he would say, “If you don't stop doing that I'm gonna go back to (deadname) and she/her.” he thought it was hilarious but I would always be mortified. He also referred to me as a “She-Man” and a “He, she, it, thing”, It was really demeaning and whenever I would bring it up to my coworker she would brush it off and say “he just doesn't get that it's wrong.” or “he doesn't mean anything by it.” It really made be dread going there and it made me feel like just doing my job was a nuisance to everyone there. Eventually I put in my two weeks after K screamed at me for 10 minutes while we were busy because we told him he needed to help with orders when he was sprinting around the store and messing around like a 10 year old (he's 37). Overall the job made me miserable and the pay was not worth it, don't let people treat you like this, if you aren't being treated right get out of the situation if you can; this isn't the worst treatment I could have gotten and I'm honestly lucky a lot of my coworkers were respectful to me, but even then the shit K said to me really made my work life suck and no one deserves to feel uncomfortable in their place of work.

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