
My husband worked his ass off and is getting “fancy steak” as a reward

My husband repairs water coolers for a water company (I wont say which one just to keep anonymous) and his plant is the highest rated in the country. We live on the west coast of the US. The second highest rated branch challenged them on a contest to fix the most coolers over a period of 5 weeks. The issue arises when they start the competition and my husband’s branch has two audits during that period and runs out of coolers to fix. His management finally got shipments of coolers so they could try to catch up and everyone including my husband were working 12 hour shifts every day for the competition. His branch won. As a reward for all their hard work, him and his coworkers requested bonuses or gift cards. Instead they’re being taken out for fancy steak dinners. I was thinking it was something like Black Angus…

My husband repairs water coolers for a water company (I wont say which one just to keep anonymous) and his plant is the highest rated in the country. We live on the west coast of the US. The second highest rated branch challenged them on a contest to fix the most coolers over a period of 5 weeks. The issue arises when they start the competition and my husband’s branch has two audits during that period and runs out of coolers to fix. His management finally got shipments of coolers so they could try to catch up and everyone including my husband were working 12 hour shifts every day for the competition. His branch won. As a reward for all their hard work, him and his coworkers requested bonuses or gift cards. Instead they’re being taken out for fancy steak dinners. I was thinking it was something like Black Angus or similar. Nope. They’re getting Texas Roadhouse. No plus ones either. No bonus either. And the company is cutting his overtime hours for the holidays. My husband and his coworkers are not happy about this at all.

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