
My idea for non-violent revolution

MAINLY INTENDED FOR THE USA Revolution is scary, especially when we live in a world with so many comforts that we don't want to destroy, but the truth is that as the world is right now none of us are able to experience all the comforts of living in the modern world, bc half of America is living paycheck to paycheck. But here's how we can have our cake and eat it too, bc why have a cake if you're not gonna eat it? It just doesn't make sense. If you see something you disagree with, or something you'd like to add feel free to leave a comment or just pm me and I'll edit the post. I imagine that with enough people we can do this for a week and win back our country without any problems. Quit Taking their Bullshit Damnit Q: Quit your job By quitting their…


Revolution is scary, especially when we live in a world with so many comforts that we don't want to destroy, but the truth is that as the world is right now none of us are able to experience all the comforts of living in the modern world, bc half of America is living paycheck to paycheck. But here's how we can have our cake and eat it too, bc why have a cake if you're not gonna eat it? It just doesn't make sense. If you see something you disagree with, or something you'd like to add feel free to leave a comment or just pm me and I'll edit the post. I imagine that with enough people we can do this for a week and win back our country without any problems.

Quit Taking their Bullshit Damnit

Q: Quit your job

By quitting their jobs (or just striking, but without a union that probably ends with getting fired so it's functionally the same) en masse the working class gains power. Do this for a week and jobs will be begging for you to come back. When you come back to work on your terms, do so with a union to contractually ensure your rights. If you do not have a union be prepared to strike again. Don't settle for a shitty union either.

T: Take out loans

By taking out loans you have no intention of paying back (and later withdrawing all your money from the bank) en masse you take enough money from the banks to truly make a difference. Eventually they will catch on and stop loaning out money. Continue removing your money from the banks and carry on with your lives, until the government is forced to bend to the will of the people.

B: Boycott unethical businesses

It is not just their lack of workers rights that makes any private businesses so evil, but also their general practices in the endless pursuit for profit. All businesses that do not pay taxes, utilize slave/child labor, invest/utilize/profit from in any way the destruction of this planet, etc must be boycotted. After the revolution big companies must ensure basic human rights even to people in 3rd world countries they use to mine for precious metals.

D: Demand basic rights

After forcing the banks, the government, and the businesses to listen the working class must remain firm on what they want. Here is a list of demands that I believe the working class should start with.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Businesses will likely try passing off these effects onto the consumer, while still reporting massive profits, what with everyone happy and spending money again, if this occurs the cycle must repeat until they learn.

1: 30 hour work week

2: $25 per hour minimum wage

3: 1 month of PTO every year

4: 14 weeks paid parental leave

5: Full pension after 30 years with a company

6: The government must remove tax loopholes that allow the rich to do ridiculous things like donate overvalued art to their friend's charity as a write-off.

7: Public health insurance including dental care, eye care, and mental health care

8: A new 40% tax for anyone earning at least $1million per year

9: Massive public transport changes, to reduce our reliance on cars. More trains and busses.

10: Universal basic income of $2000 a month.

11: Term limit of 4 terms in senate, and house of representatives, as well as 2 6 year terms for supreme court.

12: Age limit of 60 for presidency, as well as congressman and Supreme Court members.

13: Government officials are not allowed to trade stocks, nor can their families.

14: No lobbying

15: Companies are no longer people, and their higher ups, ie the CEO and board members, are legally accountable for any business decisions the company makes unless its proven that they were genuinely uninvolved in illegal activities. Those responsible are still accountable.

16: More funding to climate research, as well as NASA and other scientific ventures. As for military funding, consider it a necessary evil, but no more overpriced $600 hammers.

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