
My job claims to unemployment I voluntarily quit when I was told by HR they were “separating” me from work while on long term disability.

I got depression. It got bad enough that my work told me that I would either go to therapy (they chose the therapist) or I would be evaluated for termination. I went with the therapist. Therapist ordered me to go on short term disability. We tried everything under the sun to get me un-depressed. 6 total months out of work has pass and its nearing the end of short term disability. I try to convince my therapist to let me go back to work, she denies, says I'm still not well and in fact getting worse in some aspects. She puts me in for long term disability and HR contacts me and says that they are going to start looking for a replacement. If I am not back at work by the time they find one, I will no longer work there. This kind of makes me mad since it…

I got depression. It got bad enough that my work told me that I would either go to therapy (they chose the therapist) or I would be evaluated for termination. I went with the therapist. Therapist ordered me to go on short term disability. We tried everything under the sun to get me un-depressed.

6 total months out of work has pass and its nearing the end of short term disability. I try to convince my therapist to let me go back to work, she denies, says I'm still not well and in fact getting worse in some aspects.

She puts me in for long term disability and HR contacts me and says that they are going to start looking for a replacement. If I am not back at work by the time they find one, I will no longer work there. This kind of makes me mad since it was their dumb idea to send me to therapy, now they threaten to lay me off for following the therapists (they hired).

8 total months out of work has pass and I am now on long term disability. I am sent to a residential program where I am sleeping in a psych unit, going to group therapy, individual therapy, trying new medications, etc.

I get an email while I was in residential saying that my work is “seperating” from me. That's it then, I'm no longer working there. Sucks but what are you gonna do?

Point is I apply for unemployment cause I assumed I was let go, fired, whatever. I didn't want to leave. I was trying to go back to work but my therapist wouldn't produce the paperwork to clear me to go back cause she still thought I was unwell. Well no insurance, I don't see that therapist much anymore.

Unemployment sent me a letter today saying my work claims I voluntarily quit. I supposedly wasn't let go or fired. I somehow voluntarily quit by being unable to go back to work because my therapist (and psychologist and psychiatrist) all thought I was unfit to return to work.

Is my work right in telling Unemployment that I voluntarily quit? I disagree but I know the law isn't as straightforward as that.

What should I do?

Thanks for your time.

Edit: This is in illinois.
Also I still have my work computer that has all the emails regarding my mental health and short term disability stuff.
Also Also, should I get a lawyer?

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