
My job gave me a raise 4 weeks ago. Still haven’t gotten it.

So back in the end of September my job told me I was getting a $2 bump in pay. Like cool great, I deserved it. So the way the pay periods work I should’ve seen it on not the next check but the one after (they pay two weeks in arrear don’t like it but it is what it is.) so anyway fast forward to mid October when I should’ve seen it. It wasn’t there on my pay stub, I went to my manager he reached out to HR and said it was all straightened out and it should be on the next check. Today is pay day and I STILL haven’t seen it. I spoke with management already and told them there’s $500 between both checks I’m missing, smh

So back in the end of September my job told me I was getting a $2 bump in pay. Like cool great, I deserved it. So the way the pay periods work I should’ve seen it on not the next check but the one after (they pay two weeks in arrear don’t like it but it is what it is.) so anyway fast forward to mid October when I should’ve seen it. It wasn’t there on my pay stub, I went to my manager he reached out to HR and said it was all straightened out and it should be on the next check. Today is pay day and I STILL haven’t seen it. I spoke with management already and told them there’s $500 between both checks I’m missing, smh

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