
My job has changed and I’m too anxious to work now

My job has changed significantly since I started three years ago and to be honest I’m too shy to effectively do my work, long story short my job used to be checking people’s identities via video consult and recently has turned into being face to face with scammers via video and needing to basically interrogate them, if we don’t stick exactly to the standards of practice we get defected in our metrics, I am too shy of a person to effectively do this as I hate confrontation. Is this kind of a tough luck situation, leave the job and find a new one or would it be possible to speak with a doctor and get excused from face to face consults for anxiety related reasons? It’s the best paying job I’ve had and I can’t really afford to make less money than I currently am.

My job has changed significantly since I started three years ago and to be honest I’m too shy to effectively do my work, long story short my job used to be checking people’s identities via video consult and recently has turned into being face to face with scammers via video and needing to basically interrogate them, if we don’t stick exactly to the standards of practice we get defected in our metrics, I am too shy of a person to effectively do this as I hate confrontation.

Is this kind of a tough luck situation, leave the job and find a new one or would it be possible to speak with a doctor and get excused from face to face consults for anxiety related reasons?

It’s the best paying job I’ve had and I can’t really afford to make less money than I currently am.

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