
My job is making me anti social

I work at a Goodwill. Donators are worse than customers in every way. They still expect the convenience a customer gets while dumping off their garbage (folded clothes on top of used diapers and half eaten fast food) and then getting extremely mad when I deny anything. I've seen people go from happy smiling to complete toddler rage mode in an instant. I am now scared of anyone I don't know smiling at me ever because of how it could instantly turn sour. I have had people go out in the rain in rage to build furniture because we don't take it if its not together. People ask for the manager and complain that it isn't fair they cant dump off their entire SUV full of stuff at our location for 15 minutes. People scream and throw shit at me for telling them we have a limit today. Also, the…

I work at a Goodwill. Donators are worse than customers in every way. They still expect the convenience a customer gets while dumping off their garbage (folded clothes on top of used diapers and half eaten fast food) and then getting extremely mad when I deny anything. I've seen people go from happy smiling to complete toddler rage mode in an instant. I am now scared of anyone I don't know smiling at me ever because of how it could instantly turn sour.

I have had people go out in the rain in rage to build furniture because we don't take it if its not together. People ask for the manager and complain that it isn't fair they cant dump off their entire SUV full of stuff at our location for 15 minutes. People scream and throw shit at me for telling them we have a limit today. Also, the most common thing of people leaving stuff on the ground and walking away when I ask them to please wait in line.

I have also had multiple occasions where I felt very bad and no one seemed to care. A specific one was when I was too sick to stand up straight or even talk, without just making little noises, and nobody showed slight hint of worry. I had people look me in the eyes and just smile. I couldn't go to the manager and leave cause we were understaffed (me being the only person taking donations and everyone in the back already being clocked out over an hour ago) and there was a huge line. I didn't want to get in trouble for leaving the door unattended(I have an abusive past and I still fear authority). If that happens again I'm just gonna leave it.

I have had very scary thoughts towards people over very petty reasons. I will not repeat those thoughts here, but I will say that my job is definitely ruining my mental health.

I am going to quit soon. I'm saving up money to be able to pay for a couple months rent.

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