
My job is making me to come in on my day off to attend a 45 minute meeting

Title. If I was doing a prestigious or very important office job where I needed some important info ASAP, or it was over zoom or something, I would understand and really wouldn't mind. But this is a retail job that barely pays over minimum wage, supposedly it's just a meeting about how we do everything wrong and we don't listen, and the manager doing the ol' 'there's gonna be some big changes around here' meeting. Of course this is my problem, not theirs, but I live 45 minutes away. Naturally I feel pretty frustrated I have to get ready for work, to spend an hour and a half driving just to get just yelled at for an hour, waste of my time and gas. And on top of that, the meeting is on a day my availability is closed. I have a second job(because I'd starve on what they pay…

Title. If I was doing a prestigious or very important office job where I needed some important info ASAP, or it was over zoom or something, I would understand and really wouldn't mind.

But this is a retail job that barely pays over minimum wage, supposedly it's just a meeting about how we do everything wrong and we don't listen, and the manager doing the ol' 'there's gonna be some big changes around here' meeting.

Of course this is my problem, not theirs, but I live 45 minutes away. Naturally I feel pretty frustrated I have to get ready for work, to spend an hour and a half driving just to get just yelled at for an hour, waste of my time and gas.

And on top of that, the meeting is on a day my availability is closed. I have a second job(because I'd starve on what they pay me), which is over 50 miles away from that job, like hell I am driving 45 minutes there, over an hour to my other job, then another 40 minutes back. All to make poverty wages.

I'd literally make more money that day to sit my ass at home. I'm even considering quitting without another job, as my paycheck is essentially gas money and lunch money, I wouldn't have any more money if I just stayed home, just working my other job which only gives me about 10 hours.

[Next two paragraphs is just context on the job and why I want to leave]

I have a pretty solid resume for someone my age, I abandoned a very lucrative career at another company and went to this one, taking a pay-cut, took a position that does not compliment my skills at all, under the promise I could transfer somewhere closer or move up, and I quickly learned that was a lie, and they have no intentions of allowing me even attempt to move up or even let me transfer. TBH hiring me on the spot should have been the red flag.

I have been telling them for months that I am a poor fit tasks they are assigning me, the skills and abilities needed to succeed where they put me are at odds with my disability causing me to make frequent mistakes I get yelled at for, just allow me to work in another role that I literally already know how to do and by their own admission I would be good at since you won't even let me leave, but they refuse. Done several interviews this week, two which when very well, hoping I can quit soon because I am miserable. /r

I guess I have to go to it. If one of the jobs I interviewed for calls me by the meeting day, I'd be tempted to no-show it or have a 'sudden' emergency phone call at that specific time. I could go plead my case saying my availability is closed and I will be at my other job, but I doubt they'll give a shit. If you read this rant, thank you. Feel free to rant about your own situations related to this in the comments.

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