
My job is more stressful than it was being robbed at gunpoint

The other day I caught myself (somewhat) fondly remembering when I worked at a convenience store. The thing is, about 2 months before I quit there I was robbed at work and I had some considerable stress/fear about going into work everyday. But that feels like it was nothing compared to what I'm going through now. I feel so stressed before work now I fantasize about getting into a car crash on my way into work just so I can not go in, even for a single day. At the convenience store, it had it's busy moments but generally I'd have a good 10-15 minutes per hour to chill out and do busy work, clean the floors etc. My new job is in a food production facility as quality assurance and I have to do hourly checks, but these checks in total take about an hour and a half to…

The other day I caught myself (somewhat) fondly remembering when I worked at a convenience store. The thing is, about 2 months before I quit there I was robbed at work and I had some considerable stress/fear about going into work everyday. But that feels like it was nothing compared to what I'm going through now. I feel so stressed before work now I fantasize about getting into a car crash on my way into work just so I can not go in, even for a single day.

At the convenience store, it had it's busy moments but generally I'd have a good 10-15 minutes per hour to chill out and do busy work, clean the floors etc. My new job is in a food production facility as quality assurance and I have to do hourly checks, but these checks in total take about an hour and a half to do in actuality, so I'm constantly behind, rushing through stuff and making small (thankfully not large, yet) mistakes. On top of the regular tasks, there is probably about 2 hours worth of work i have to somehow find time to do.

Convenience store had max 10 hour shifts when someone.called in after you, but were generally 8 hours, new job has 12.5 hour shifts.

Sometimes at work I don't even get a break for 12 hours because there is so much to do. The breaks are paid which is how they justify it. Any time I skip checks to go on my break, I inevitably get an email the next day about it. Managers of other departments also expect me to cover their employees' break times with no regards for my own.

The management is like night and day. At the store, I felt like they had my back and they were very understanding and offered me a few paid days off after the event, but at the factory, I feel like getting any issue addressed by my boss is impossible. Any decisions I make are overruled just so the production line can run longer or faster. Any product I put on hold is taken off hold because apparently I'm being too stingy with the specs/requirements.

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