
My job is trying to charge employees as a collective for mistakes?

Hello everyone just a little background about my position to give context. I am a dispatcher at a trucking company I have been working here for almost going on a year now. Routinely we get emails from our boss threatening myself and fellow dispatchers that if we mistakes we will financially pay for our mistakes. Meaning our boss will take money out of our checks if we make a mistake even as a collective… This to me is so wrong just wondering if anyone can give advice on what I can do as I’m lost. My job does pay me pretty well however dealing with this stress of these threats being put on me I don’t feel like the pay is worth what we deal with and are threatened about. I don’t make six figures or anything but the pay is decent but I’m not sure if I should report…

Hello everyone just a little background about my position to give context. I am a dispatcher at a trucking company I have been working here for almost going on a year now. Routinely we get emails from our boss threatening myself and fellow dispatchers that if we mistakes we will financially pay for our mistakes. Meaning our boss will take money out of our checks if we make a mistake even as a collective… This to me is so wrong just wondering if anyone can give advice on what I can do as I’m lost. My job does pay me pretty well however dealing with this stress of these threats being put on me I don’t feel like the pay is worth what we deal with and are threatened about. I don’t make six figures or anything but the pay is decent but I’m not sure if I should report this behavior to my states labor board but I’m lost for words at this point! Any advice would be appreciated!

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