
My job makes me hate myself

Hi everyone, I didn’t know where else to post this. My boss singles me out and hates me and in return I’m feeling extremely drained and I have begun to hate myself. I have been at my bank job for about 5 months now and I’ve made wonderful friendships with my coworkers but my boss makes it close to unbearable. She always picks on me for being “shy” “quiet” and she makes fun of me for being short. I try to make conversation with her but she always ends up cutting it short and walks away to gossip with my supervisor. She made a comment about me to someone from another department regarding my boyfriend and I opening a checking account together (which is only for rent, not that it was any of her business) when she thought I wasn’t around and laughed out loud and said “hope that doesn’t…

Hi everyone, I didn’t know where else to post this. My boss singles me out and hates me and in return I’m feeling extremely drained and I have begun to hate myself. I have been at my bank job for about 5 months now and I’ve made wonderful friendships with my coworkers but my boss makes it close to unbearable. She always picks on me for being “shy” “quiet” and she makes fun of me for being short. I try to make conversation with her but she always ends up cutting it short and walks away to gossip with my supervisor. She made a comment about me to someone from another department regarding my boyfriend and I opening a checking account together (which is only for rent, not that it was any of her business) when she thought I wasn’t around and laughed out loud and said “hope that doesn’t backfire for her.” I ended up turning the corner and when she saw me she looked like she was trying to hold a laugh in and quickly walked away. My coworkers say they notice the difference in treatment and say it’s wrong but they all suck up to her because they’re scared to receive the treatment that I’m getting, which I really don’t blame them for.

Today, I made a mistake with a customer that turned out being her friend’s daughter and instead of speaking to me about it in private, she drilled me about the transaction in front of all of my coworkers and embarrassed me. I have not made many mistakes in my job and if they are then they are small ones but I’ve become terrified to make any. Although I’ve noticed that when anyone else makes a mistake she tells them that it’s ok but with me it seems to piss her off to no end. I have begun to feel worthless and I wish I was more extroverted and I hate myself for being short and quiet. My boyfriend says he notices that I’m drained and that I’m a lot more critical of all my decisions I make even outside of work.

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I’ve apologized to her for making mistakes and told her I will try and not make any more in the future. I wish I could transfer locations but 1) there are no other open positions at other locations at the moment and my coworker told me that she has denied transfers for people in the past, resulting in them just quitting. This is my first full time job with PTO and nice benefits and I also recently moved into an apartment with my boyfriend, so just up and quitting isn’t really in my best interest. I am currently on the job hunt but just needed somewhere to get this off my chest because my poor boyfriend has been consoling me for 2 hours now.

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