
My job makes me sick to my stomach (rant)

Within 20 minutes of starting work, I always end up shitting my brains out with diarrhea. I have kept my diet consistent on the days I am on and off work to rule out food sensitivities. The only time I get diarrhea & stomach pains is when I’m working and it’s usually 2-3 seperate times a shift right after I eat breakfast & lunch. The only other variable that changes is my cannabis consumption. I smoke 24/7 when I’m off work so I thought that played a role in it. But that theory went out the window today. I’ve been off all weekend, having zero digestive distress and smoking a lot of weed. I noticed a Teams message about an emergency at work. I handled it remotely and then landed on the toilet with diarrhea within 20 minutes. So that rules out cannabis as well as any office environmental factors,…

Within 20 minutes of starting work, I always end up shitting my brains out with diarrhea.

I have kept my diet consistent on the days I am on and off work to rule out food sensitivities. The only time I get diarrhea & stomach pains is when I’m working and it’s usually 2-3 seperate times a shift right after I eat breakfast & lunch.

The only other variable that changes is my cannabis consumption. I smoke 24/7 when I’m off work so I thought that played a role in it. But that theory went out the window today.

I’ve been off all weekend, having zero digestive distress and smoking a lot of weed. I noticed a Teams message about an emergency at work. I handled it remotely and then landed on the toilet with diarrhea within 20 minutes. So that rules out cannabis as well as any office environmental factors, considering the diarrhea was triggered by working remotely.

I don’t know how to fix this. The stress makes me physically ill but there’s no escaping late stage capitalism. I’m watching myself slowly fall apart as these corporations suck me dry. I’ve lost my will to live. I just want out.

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